Quite a surprise to look out of the bedroom window and see the garden white with frost in the moonlight early this morning. A shock too as soon as I stepped outside to make holes in the ice on the frog pond. I'd forgotten how you have to tap extra reserves of energy when it's cold. Cycling was beautiful but hard going to begin with. (I delayed setting off until the sun was well up in order to try and avoid further accidents.)
It's been a better week as far as getting back to work is concerned. I feel I've done some productive things.
Mid-week, a friend emailed some information about lectures organised by the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW), based at Wolfson College. She expected that I knew about the lectures already but sent the details just in case. I didn't know there was an OCLW, let alone that there were lectures. The series and the centre look fascinating--not least because I have become increasingly interested in life-writing since doing this blog (which I think of as a kind of real-time life-writing).
Meanwhile, the online creative writing course I teach has started and assignments from students on another course have arrived for marking. Walking along Broad Street in Oxford yesterday afternoon, I could feel the excitement and energy generated by the return of the students and the start of the new term.